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[Guide] Getting Started- Ingame User Commands

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Hello Masonians,

Below you will find a list of available user commands:

AddSTRCMD /addstr Allows to add multiple strength points by player,
Usage: /addstr "points_count"
AddAGICMD /addagi Allows to add multiple agility points by player.
Usage: /addagi "points_count"
AddVITCMD /addvit Allows to add multiple vitality points by player.
Usage: /addvit "points_count"
AddENECMD /addene Allows to add multiple energy points by player.
Usage: /addene "points_count"
AddCMDCMD /addcmd Allows to add multiple command points by player.
Usage: /addcmd "points_count"
PKClearCMD /pkclear Allows to player to clear PK status.
Usage: /pkclear
WareCMD /vault Allow to switch wares in case MulTiWare are available in the Server.
Usage: /ware "ware_number"
WARCMD /war Allows to propose a War to opponent Guild.
Usage: /war
MarryProposeCMD /marry Allows to propose a marry to other player.
Usage: /prop
MarryAcceptCMD /accept Allows to accept marry proposal after Usage: of above command.
Usage: /accept
MarryDivorceCMD /divorce Allows to take divorce.
Usage: /divorce
SoccerStart /battlesoccer Allows to challenge opposite guild for a battle Soccer match.
Usage: /battlesoccer
EndWar /EndWar Allows to force stop Guild War Battle, Game Master or Guild Master can use it.
Usage: /endwar
StopSoccer /socstop Allows to force stop Battle Soccer match, it is necessary to be in Guild, Game Master or Guild Master can initiate it.
Game Master Usage: /socstop "opponent_guild_name".
Guild Master Usage: /socstop.
SetRequest /re Allows to define to display all duel and trade request or refuse all by default.
Usage: /requests "on|off"
CrewCMD /gms Display Game Masters online.
Usage: /crew
SetPartyCMD /autoparty Allows to set password for AutoParty system, (password 4-10 characters).
Usage: /setparty "password"
DCFriendCMD /dcfriend Allows to disconnect specified character knowing their character name and account password.
Usage: /dcfriend "player_name"

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